Coming soon to Sony SAB, ‘Pashminna – Dhaage Mohobbat Ke’ is a remarkable love story between two people from completely different backgrounds. The show, which is set in the beautiful locations of Srinagar and Gulmarg in Kashmir, promises to provide viewers a cinematic experience normally reserved for the big screen. Actors Isha Sharma (Pashminna) and Nishant Malkani (Raghav) recently had a relaxing boat trip on a Shikara for a scene on the program. There was undeniable connection between the two leads, and the moment was shot against the breathtaking backdrop of Kashmir’s calm waters, promising an on-screen love story that would tug at your heartstrings.
The artists had a frank discussion in which they revealed:
“Filming amidst the beautiful locations of Kashmir, including a memorable Shikara boat ride, has been an incredible experience,” said Nishant Malkani, who will play the role of Raghav. It’s thrilling to work on a show that honors the traditions of television romance. Kashmir has a certain allure that makes shooting movies there a rewarding experience. Taking a trip in a Shikara for the performance was one of the highlights of my life.
Isha Sharma, who will play Pashminna, has said, “I’m truly a’mountain baby,’ and the mountains have always been my source of enjoyment. I’m from Himachal Pradesh. With ‘Pashminna,’ I get to combine two things I care deeply about: my appreciation for mountains and this particular story. Among the many wonderful experiences I’m having while filming ‘Pashminna’ in the stunning Kashmiri scenery, the Shikara boat ride has quickly become one of my favorites. I’m really looking forward to reading Pashminna.
In October, Sony SAB’s Pashminna will premiere on television, so keep checking back here for more information.